Sunday, February 22, 2009


I've been in bed for 3 days now, rendered useless. I came down with this sneaky sneaky flu. It started out as an innocent sore throat. "Oh no," I though, "I don't want to get a cold now." No, no, by three o'clock on Thursday I was passed out in my bed. By Friday I couldn't even sit upright to the eat the fajitas Papa brought home for me. Four days later I still can't do much more than stream movies onto my computer and make hot chocolate. And let me tell you my face isn't enjoying this either. My eyes are puffy, my lips are all pale, and my hair is beyond greasy. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. I also had a boatload of work to catch up on and I don't think I'll be doing that anytime soon.

PS. The cutest pictures I have right now..considering my condition..are of my sister. Awwww.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I spent my saturday night out with the besties, celebrating Kendall's 18th, little black dress style. The evening began with a glamorous tapas dinner at Medjool on Misson. I strongly urge you to at least check out the website for this restaurant; what a hip place.

Bang Bang

I'm not terribly fashion conscious. But I think in certain ways, I pull it off. First off, I'm sweater-obsessed. If I'm not wearing at least one, maybe two sweaters...then it's probably not me.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

This morning, I woke up, and before even having my first cup of coffee, I got down to business and ordered this bag online. I couldn't help myself; I live for Orla Kiely...and thanks to our ever-failing economy, they are all on sale. sale. sale. I just can't wait...3 to 5 business days!

Oh, and the shoes are another of my most recent new obsesssions. I went through my house and hunted for coins, took them to a coinstar, and off to the shoestore to buy those babies up! The cashier even gave me a 10% discount!